Pencil Journal


    Before you can import data, you need access to a Pencil Journal data file (.journal file). You can generate this by tapping on the ‘Export’ button on the Settings menu.

    This will allow you to export your existing data using the standard Apple Share Sheet. You can save the file to any other apps you use that allow data sharing, such as AirDrop, Files, Mail, iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.


    The process to import the Pencil Journal file (.journal file) back into the app depends on exactly where you saved the data; please see descriptions below for common choices.

    Important note: Importing a file will overwrite the app’s current content with that from the new file. We recommend backing up your data first before importing anything. To prevent accidental data loss, the app will request your permission before finalizing the data import.


    If you send a .journal file to your iPad via Airdrop then Pencil Journal should automatically open and import the data.


    If you tap on a .journal file inside the Files app then Pencil Journal should automatically open and import the data.


    If you tap on a .journal attachment on an email inside the Mail app then Pencil Journal should automatically open and import the data.

    Other (iCloud Drive / Dropbox / Google Drive / OneDrive / etc)

    The exact sharing process depends on the app, so please consult each apps’ respective documentation about exporting files.

    But the process is similar. First navigate to the location you saved the .journal file inside your cloud storage app. You should see a list of options for exporting/sharing the file, or a command like ‘Open In’.

    Once you select this option the Apple Share Sheet should open to give you a choice of apps to open the file. Select ‘Copy to Pencil Journal’ from the list, then Pencil Journal should open and import the data.

    If ‘Copy to Pencil Journal’ does not appear in the initial list of options then click the ‘More’ button, and you should see it in the further list of options.